It Ain't Going to Happen
Image ABC News Australia

It Ain't Going to Happen

Author: Daniel Socolow on June 11, 2018

They will meet, smile at one another, and Kim Jung-un will quietly tell Trump he wants to quickly “denuclearize,” and that doing so is his highest priority. He promises, as a first step, to open for inspection his newest and most sophisticated nuclear facility. Trump will smile triumphantly, tell him what a great man he is and how he will be remembered and revered throughout history.

They will talk a bit more about the two Koreas and Kim’s hope that the two countries will move quickly to form a special partnership and a twenty-first century model for the world. He will even predict that, in time, all of the hostility and distrust will fall by the waysides, as will all nuclear weapons on both sides.

Trump will feel triumphant over his long honed political acumen and by the sheer power of his presence. Trump promises to quickly eliminate all US and other nations’ sanctions on North Korea and immediately invites Kim and his wife to the White House, promising to introduce him to America as the man of the hour. He ends his meeting by effusively praising Kim for rising to the challenge and for his recognition of the great time and moment, and promises to share the Nobel with him.

When announced, there is some skepticism by the Western press, but general elation that the bubble has burst and that the world will have a real chance for lasting peace..

Kim goes home, breaks out a bottle of champagne, and shoots the cork at a poster of Trump sitting on the toilet which he had made only days before he left for Singapore.

Daniel Socolow
Daniel Socolow: President, Socolow Group. Former Director of the MacArthur Fellows Program, President of the American University of Paris, Vice President of Spelman College. BA, MA, Ph.D.

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