Bank Sustainability Grades

BestCashCow has assigned to banks the following climate grades:

A - Bank funds only sustainable renewable energy projects and does not fund any fossil fuel, carbon producing or environmentally damaging projects.

B - Bank has taken clear steps to funding sustainable energy projects and/or has established clear guidelines for the funding of such and has only negligible fossil fuel lending outstanding or a limited history of lending to fossil fuel or other investment that is damaging to the climate and ecosystem.

C - Bank has identified guidelines for its transition to investing in renewable energy projects and for reducing its fossil fuel funding, but has yet to take substantial meaningful steps in its transition.

D - Bank has identified guidelines for its renewable energy investing, but that continue to originate fossil fuels investments and that appear to be substantially indebted to the fossil fuel industry.

Climate Grade Pending - Banks that have not provided guidelines for environmental investing, and that have no known fossil fuel funding may be marked as pending.

Renewable energy projects that are considered in this analysis include wind projects, solar projects, energy storage and distribution projects (including water-based projects), anaerobic digestion and methane remediation projects.

Environmentally harmful lending includes lending to oil, gas, coal and nuclear industries.