
Selected category: CDs

Can You Time the CD Market?

Is it possible to time the CD market so you can get the best rates?

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What You Should Know about Callable CDs

Callable CDs are much like normal CD accounts with a twist. Are they the right type of investment for you?

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Are Zero-Coupon CDs Right for You?

If you can afford to hold CDs to full-term maturity and can afford to pay taxes each year on interest income you haven't actually been paid yet, zero-coupon CDs may be worth looking into.

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Paying Taxes on Your CD Account Interest

Are you expected to pay taxes on the interest you earn with your CD investments?

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Four Factors that Determine CD Rates

Have you ever wondered where banks get the rates they have for the CD accounts they offer? There is a method to their madness and there are ways that you can maximize the benefits that you reap.

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With the new regulations regarding overdraft fees, banks need to make up the expected monetary loss somewhere. Will this affect the CD rates at your bank?

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Teaching Your Kids to Invest in CDs

Teaching your children to start investing at a young age can help them be financially responsible as they grow older.

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Comparing Money Markets and Certificates of Deposit

Which is better - CDs or money market accounts? It really depends on what your investing needs are.

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I took a bit of a summer break on charting the decline in savings and cd rates, hoping that when I returned, the trends would different. I knew it was false hope, and so it was. Savings and CD rates continued their decline, with the average... Read →

Higher Interest Rates Are Not Always Better

Have you been looking for a CD for investing your money? High interest rates may seem appealing, but are they really the best bet?

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One Official Wants Higher Interest Rates for Investments

Would you invest more money if the interest rates started to increase?

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Tips for Finding a Safe Certificate of Deposit

Are you afraid of investing your money? Here are some tips for making sure the money that you invest into your Certificate of Deposit will be safe.

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Some Basics about CD Laddering

CDs are great investments for your money. But if you take it a step further and use your money for a CD laddering system, you can make your money work even harder for you.

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Incredible Bank is offering a 12-month CD that has a blended rate of 2% APY. The first six months earn 1.75% APY and the second six months earn 2.25% APY.

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If you want a great CD, but not for very long, then the folks at CalFirst Bank would like to talk to you.

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