How to Create A Budget

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Do you know how much money is coming in and going out of your paycheck each month? The best way to gather this information is by creating a budget. This will let you know where you spend your money. You’ll also discover where you can cut back on your expenses, which can help you save money. This article explains how to create a budget and make that budget work for your needs.

Write Down Your Goals

The first thing you need to do is write down your goals. These are goals that you have for your personal finances, which might include paying off your credit cards, becoming free from debt, and starting up a savings account. This is the first step since is helps you track your progress.


Record Your Purchases

When you record your purchases, you need to record everything, even those little purchases, which you barely think about. While you may not think they’re a big deal, these little purchases can become an issue then you add them up. A group of little purchases can equal the same amount of money as a big purchase.

When you have too many little purchases, you will find your money disappearing faster than you can track it. So, whenever you go out, at least for the first few weeks, you should record every purchase you make and this will help you see where your money is going.

Create Spending Categories

In order to determine where your money is going, you need to do a little organizing. Some basic categories listed in budgets include utilities, food, debts, work-related expenses and fixed expenses.

You can include categories for things that are important to you. This includes things like car insurance, birthdays, life insurance, and savings. Keep one category open for fun money that can be used for special occasions and just having fun.

Hold a Meeting About Finances

If you have a spouse or other household members, you will need to hold a meeting with them to discuss the budget. Talk it over. You can come up with a plan for your budget, compromising and negotiating until you find something that works for both of you.

When you work with your spouse, you’re more likely to keep on the budget. Then you’ll both be on the same page. Each person needs to be willing to work together and give a little to get the best results.

Schedule Time to Make the Budget

Create a budget can take some patience and work. Make sure you have some free time to get the work done. This budget needs to be something you can live with long-term. Keep some wiggle room in your budget in case of an emergency.

Take the time to make a budget that allows you to live within your means. If you have to make too many sacrifices then you may find it difficult to live within your budget.

Tweak the Budget

The budget you create may not always remain the same. You are not going to be in the same financial situation next year or five years from now. That’s why you should periodically take a chance to look at a budget.

In order to see if there are things that you can change, look at what you need to meet your needs and which items can be eliminated. While you want to make changes to your budget, you don’t want to tweak your budget too often.

Ari Socolow
Ari Socolow: Ari Socolow is the Chief Economist and Editor-in-Chief at BestCashCow. He is particularly interested in issues relating to bank transparency and the climate crisis. Since co-founding BestCashCow in 2005, Ari has been frequently cited in the media as an expert on local and national savings accounts, CD products, mortgage and loan products and credit card rewards products.

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