Wake Up Nancy (Be The Adult In Room)
Image Courtesy: Huffington Post

Wake Up Nancy (Be The Adult In Room)

By refusing to give Donald Trump his wall, you are missing a huge win and a major opportunity. No one really gives a damn about the wall. It’s obviously a political chit and a vanity project. But, it is also a huge obstacle to accomplishing anything else.

The wall isn’t going to hurt anybody, and I am sure there are places where it might even help improve our border security. Most of all, $5.7 billion is a drop in the bucket for America.

I know you think by standing firm in opposition to the wall, you are standing on principles and showing the public that you and your colleagues cannot be run over.

But, Nancy, obsessing over the wall is falling into a trap, and allowing it to obscure the major moment you are in and the major opportunity that you have to stand tall, end the silliness and move on the Democrat’s full agenda for which they were elected to the House.

You are too close to it all. You need to stand back and see the obvious. And that is, give Mr. Trump his wall, or at least what he can build for $5.7 billion. All you need to add to the current package is a formal caveat that never again will public employees be held hostage to such deliberations – never again will there be a government shutdown over political disagreements.

Nancy, you do this and you immediately become a winner, not a loser! You’ll end the suffering of millions, open the door to a rich and needed agenda, and move the country forward on a high note toward healing and 2020.

Nancy, there is a huge win here. Please don’t blow it.

Daniel Socolow
Daniel Socolow: President, Socolow Group. Former Director of the MacArthur Fellows Program, President of the American University of Paris, Vice President of Spelman College. BA, MA, Ph.D.


  • nan

    January 23, 2019

    Give Trump his wall. End. Polosi is a phony liar.

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