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5 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Buy A Structured Note Image Copyright: BestCashCow

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Buy A Structured Note

Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and second-tier full service brokerages make a real market in structured notes. So-called "structured notes" are intricate products that carry the possibility of earning a much higher interest rate... Read →
It is Probably Not the Time to Rush Into CDs Image Copyright: BestCashCow

It is Probably Not the Time to Rush Into CDs

As interest rates have come down dramatically, following the Fed’s emergency response to the virus, savings and money market rates have become very unappetizing. As of this writing, all major online banks have dropped their online... Read →
Federal Reserve Leaves Fed Funds Rate to Zero to 0.25%, Says Course of the Economy Depends on the Virus Image Copyright: BestCashCow

Federal Reserve Leaves Fed Funds Rate to Zero to 0.25%, Says Course of the Economy Depends on the Virus

The Federal Reserve unanimously voted to leave interest rates unchanged when it concluded its two-day meeting today. The Fed funds rate remains at a target of zero to 0.25 percent. The Fed again signaled that it is prepared to keep... Read →
Maximizing Interest On Savings Remains Important In a Low Rate Environment Image Copyright: BestCashCow

Maximizing Interest On Savings Remains Important In a Low Rate Environment

We’ve seen an incredible fall in interest rates over the last 12 months. Bowing to political pressure, Fed Chair Jerome Powell began cutting interest rates on August 1, 2019 from a target rate of 2.25% to 2.50% and continued... Read →
5 Things to Consider As Savings, Money Market and Short-Term CD Rates Collapse Image Copyright: BestCashCow

5 Things to Consider As Savings, Money Market and Short-Term CD Rates Collapse

We are receiving multiple emails every day from BestCashCow's readers who are furious about the pace of falling savings rates, money market rates and short-term CD rates. While we are the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of... Read →
Federal Reserve Has No Plans to Raise Interest Rates Any Time Soon Image Copyright: BestCashCow

Federal Reserve Has No Plans to Raise Interest Rates Any Time Soon

The Federal Reserve has left the Fed Funds rate at zero to 0.25%, and projected no plans to raise interest rates through 2022. The good news is that it is still not considering negative interest rates in the US. It is projecting a... Read →
Savings Accounts May or May Not Be the Best Place to Be Right Now Image Copyright: BestCashCow

Savings Accounts May or May Not Be the Best Place to Be Right Now

Following the stock market’s incredible collapse in March and subsequent recovery, my inbox has been inundated with emails from readers writing to tell me that they are now 90% to even 100% in cash. These emails come from people... Read →
Morgan Stanley Shows Its True Colors During COVID-19 Pandemic Image Courtesy: Bloomberg

Morgan Stanley Shows Its True Colors During COVID-19 Pandemic

I had been a customer of Smith Barney for as long as I can remember, even after it merged into Morgan Stanley in 2011. Smith Barney was always an outstanding institution to do business with. They understood that the client always came... Read →
American Express Platinum Card – The Greatest Opportunity Ever or Time for a Pause? Image Copyright: American Express

American Express Platinum Card – The Greatest Opportunity Ever or Time for a Pause?

For years, the Amex Platinum card has been one of the most premium travel rewards credit cards accessible without an invitation. The Platinum card has offered access, exclusivity, privileges and protections to those customers willing to... Read →
COVID-19 / Coronavirus Additional Cardholder Benefits for Travel Rewards Credit Cards Image Copyright: BestCashCow

COVID-19 / Coronavirus Additional Cardholder Benefits for Travel Rewards Credit Cards

Chase, Amex and Citibank have announced the supplemental benefits for holders of their travel rewards cards. They are as follows: Chase Chase Sapphire Reserve and Chase Sapphire Preferred The Chase Sapphire Reserve card will earn... Read →
An Obvious and Certain Way to End the COVID-19 Crisis Quickly Image Copyright: BestCashCow

An Obvious and Certain Way to End the COVID-19 Crisis Quickly

There is a certain way to solve the current health crisis, and it is right in front of us. Here in New York, 60% of the population is roaming around with self-made masks or cheap masks that they bought on Amazon covering their faces. ... Read →
Federal Reserve Maintains Fed Funds Rate at 0 to 0.25% and Outlines Further COVID-19 Action Image West Point, Copyright BestCashCow

Federal Reserve Maintains Fed Funds Rate at 0 to 0.25% and Outlines Further COVID-19 Action

The Federal Reserve has held the Fed Funds target rate constant at zero to 25 basis points today. Chair Jerome Powell indicated that the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis has weighed heavily on the economic condition of the country. ... Read →
Spanish Flu 1918 – Coronavirus 2020 Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

Spanish Flu 1918 – Coronavirus 2020

America has long been in a leadership role in the world and a marvel of economic expansion. Our strengths have been defined by an unwillingness to be satisfied with what is now and the assurance that we control the future and our global... Read →
The Implications of Telling States to Go Bankrupt Are Dangerous and Long-Term Image Copyright: BestCashCow

The Implications of Telling States to Go Bankrupt Are Dangerous and Long-Term

It is going to take a generation for the US and the world to recover from the damage we have incurred, very much in part from our own actions. We are all now fully aware of the impact and implications of damaging statements made by our... Read →
What Will Happen to Savings and CD Rates If the Federal Reserve Takes the Fed Funds Rate Negative? Image Narayana Kocherlochota, Courtesy Marketwatch

What Will Happen to Savings and CD Rates If the Federal Reserve Takes the Fed Funds Rate Negative?

There is a lot of concern that the Federal Reserve is running out of bullets in its response to the current Depression. It has already lowered the Fed Funds rates to zero, engaged in extraordinary quantitative easing, and opened up the... Read →