Hello And Goodbye Rod Rosenstein
Image Courtesy: Bloomberg

Hello And Goodbye Rod Rosenstein

Rod Rosenstein, the new Deputy Attorney General, made an unbelievably stupid decision to be Trump’s pawn in the firing of FBI director, James Comey. Widely purported to be very bright, measured and experienced, he showed none of that when he participated with Trump and Sessions in a Saturday Night take-down of a respected civil servant.

If he really is as bright as advertised, he likely would never have sought the role as the number two in the Justice Department, working for one of the least intelligent AG’s of our time. And, if he really were all that smart, he would never have let himself be used so pitifully in the firing of Comey.

He’s toast now and has only two options, neither of which is likely to restore his reputation but both of which would be better than staying on after the pathetic role he allowed himself to play. The first is to resign immediately. The second is to tell the truth about what really transpired and to seek to transfer responsibility and fault fully on Trump and Session.

Not doing either of these immediately leaves him in a terrible position, one he will never be able to recover from. Trump burned him big time. He needs now to do everything to save himself and the solid reputation he built over the last two decades.

Daniel Socolow
Daniel Socolow: President, Socolow Group. Former Director of the MacArthur Fellows Program, President of the American University of Paris, Vice President of Spelman College. BA, MA, Ph.D.

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