Michelle Caruso-Cabrera's Nipples are Showing on CNBC

I can't believe what I am seeing at 10 AM EST this morning on the the nation's leading financial channel.

Here are some reasons why this may be happening:

1) CNBC is trying to improve its ratings in the wake of coming competition from Fox.

2) Michelle is trying to improve her ratings and get a full time gig being on TV after 6 AM in the morning (she is usually on much earlier).

3) This dramatic run up in the stock market is really that exciting.

4) GE's stock is at a 7 year high.

5) Sitting next to Mark Haines is really exciting.

Any other explanations?

Jason Rodgers
Jason Rodgers: Jason Rodgers was an experienced research analyst for a major bank prior to retiring to run his own investment consultancy in beautiful Lihue, Hawaii. Jason contributed articles to BestCashCow from 2008 to 2014.

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  • isleepwell

    August 13, 2012

    This weekend, presidential hopeful Mitt Romney named congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. The First Congressional District of Wisconsin gets a share of the limelight for a time. Mr. Ryan supposedly brings a certain boldness to the GOP ticket. Who is Mr. Ryan exactly?

    A family man, a devote catholic, a budget hawk conservative with staunch ideas about medicare, and medicaid, an excellent public speaker, a handsome fellow, a frequenter of my favorite business channel--CNBC, a caring sort who even offered a few years ago to assist a cousin of mine who had a serious medical condition, a fellow who simply introduces himself in a conversation as Paul. So, what isn't Congressman Ryan?

    He's not a liberal. He doesn't get dirty hands often enough for most working class folks. One could argue the point that Mr. Ryan should have lobbied General Motors much more thoroughly to remain in Janesville, Wisconsin. Those same people may wonder if Mr. Ryan, and Mr. Romney will tour the countryside campaigning in a suburban type vehicle built in a plant which survived as a result of the demise of the Janesville closure.

    The addition of Mr. Ryan to the ticket brings to the forefront the budget. Regardless of which party wins, the budget will get a serious look, and hopefully a healthy overhaul. Sincerity matters in this election.

    President Obama inherited a matter of fact mess. President George Bush the younger who wished to go down in history as an education president got forced to subscribe to the tenants of a war time president given the events surrounding 9/11. Homeland security costs money, and then the financial collapse ensued.

    President Obama somehow passed a nationalized healthcare plan which certainly stymies business across America. And, he did end don't ask don't tell in the military. And, the jury on the military question remains out. Will the military budget get carved up like a budgetary turkey in a second Obama administration?

    Whomever wins this election will face challenges certainly. Which party will promise the most, and/or deliver the least? Whichever party wins please don't forget about my friend Amber.

    Amber lives with her seriously disabled child who will never walk or talk. She survives on roughly $14,000 in government assistance. In spite of the fate of her child, Amber maintains a keen sense of humor, reads voraciously, possesses no computer or car, and certainly would like to contribute to society in a positive way.

    This year, my vote will go to the ticket which will not forget about my friend.


  • isleepwell

    November 05, 2012

    I was so much younger in those days, perhaps a lad of 15 years, but at the high school waiting to get on the bus going for home. Somehow the snow seemed colder. Suddenly, I looked down to discover my nakedness. Quickly, I ran to the school towards the locker room. I heard someone shout out, "that's going to be an immediate expulsion for sure." How could I ever explain the inexplicable. I found a room with towels, and wrapped one around my waste. Across the room I saw some movement. Moving closer toward the area, the swimming pool appeared before me, and she was in the water wearing her birthday suit, and her eyes told me to swim towards her. Without a moment of hesitation, I dove in. She placed her arms around me, and we kissed sweetly. For an instant in time I felt a surge, and then I heard my alarm clock ring.



  • ...isleepwell...

    November 07, 2012

    The aftermath of a Presidential election leaves a taste akin to gargling with Listerine mouthwash. The germs may get killed, but the anti-septic lingering afterwards makes it tough to swallow. As an attendee last evening at the Holiday Inn Express Ryan Campaign party held in Janesville, Wisconsin I witnessed first hand some joy, and heart felt sorrow at the outcome of the elections.

    Did Romney really possess a chance? Quite frankly, although many will disagree with me who carry the conservative torch, he did not. The man I voted for simply personifies too far right of main street America in terms of social values. He attempted to combine anti-abortion with restoration of economy with steady spending to the military. Only Ronald Reagan could do those things.

    Why was Reagan able to do succeed where Romney hadn't a prayer in or out of school? It's simple math. Reagan had California! Reagan had H.W. Bush! And, Reagan was a great communicator who originally hailed from the Midwest, served as President of the Screen actors guild, and more importantly at one time he was a democrat. Yes, the "Great Communicator" was as much a Democrat as the late Strom Thurmond in his early years.

    President Obama, a left winger incumbent up against a candidate who came across as a religious fanatic who may or may not resolve the nations woes resoundingly triumphed. Personally, I don't need a President to maintain the squeakiest of clean religious contentions. The word God is never mentioned in the Constitution of the United States for a reason. We have a separation of church, and state for a reason. Please read Alexander Hamilton Federalist papers for genuine insight as to what visions founding fathers held for our nation going forward.

    Congratulations to the President, however no mandate was achieved by any stretch of the imagination. President Obama will achieve little if anything during the next four years if he fails to move towards the center politically. William Jefferson Clinton moved toward the center during his second term in office, and even withstood an impeachment proceeding for reasons I will not rehash here.

    Conservatives for the sake of my 401k, and everyone else in this nation who does attempt to set aside a nest egg for the so-called golden years please don't do what you did two Augusts ago, and wait until the last friggin minute, then blame the other side. There's plenty of blame to go around for all to share on both sides.

    Every person in the Congress, and Senate should look in the mirror in the morning after performing their morning ritual, and visualize themselves as the problem. For, in my minds' eye you certainly are! Yet, collectively you can all work together to become the solution.

    My father went to third grade. He was from a family of ten children. His mother died in 1929 when he was 8 years old as the result of peritonitis from a botched abortion. He grew up dirt poor, worked in the CCC, served in the Army Air Corp in World War II, and earned a bronze star for his service. He thought somehow he fought the war to end all wars. He was a big man, with a big heart. If he felt wronged, he forgave. If someone needed, he helped. And, when something troubled him he prayed!

    I am certainly troubled by the results of this past election season, but not surprised at the outcome. My hope remains that the leadership in place can put partisanship aside to work towards a better future for this American home we call the United States.

    The best olive branch I can think of to move in that direction is for the President to invite Mr. Paul Ryan who is the future of the GOP to the White House at the earliest possible date to work together to fix this fiscal mess.


  • ...isleepwell...

    November 29, 2012

    The final comments made by "Bullet" on the Closing Bell this evening clearly hit the target. She asked if the actions of our current elected officials concerning the fiscal cliff demonstrated leadership. To paraphrase, she called their actions shameful. Bravo Maria! These politicians spout rhetoric, while continuing to stall. Talk is cheap, and it takes money to buy whiskey! The whole lot of them would get tarred, and feathered in the days of Alexander Hamilton. The President must lead. He must assume his role in history, and move to center stage.


  • ...isleepwell...

    January 01, 2013

    In 2013 the Fiscal Cliff business will fade. And, the stock market will get out of the gate. And, I will tone up my tummy. And, perhaps MCC will do the Samba on CNBC. And, we'll all roar for a time!


  • isleepwell

    February 05, 2013

    I wonder how to get my copy of her book signed by MCC.



  • isleepwell

    May 30, 2013

    Dear MMCC,

    Your smile, and genuine truth in reporting news means much at this computer. God bless, and I do think of you often!


  • isleepwell

    July 21, 2013

    You Can Hear the Corn Grow

    You can hear the corn grow.
    Yes, it's true, not a myth!
    You can hear the cows moo.
    You can hear the pis oink.
    You can hear the honey doo.

    Happy Noises, we believe it's true!

    They're even on U-Tube.

    On a windless night you can hear the corn rustle. It sounds like a windy cornfield....ah, DON'T

    The tassel waives, and blonde hair dancing in a nice down pour makes it loveable for sure.

    No biting, no hitting, STOP!

    Hi! OLAH!

    In the the rain we go nuts, and hablomas--we speak on the porch, and hear the corn grow...Mucho..Corn
    Mucho Maize!

    You can hear the corn grow!!!



  • isleepwell

    September 04, 2013

    Even the Brave Die

    In the heat of the battle
    even the best soldiers rattle,
    and their mothers cry. After the good soldier brave, and true does

    Oh yes, evn the bravest die, no
    matter how high sitting upon a hill, smoking
    a cigarette for a thrill, clutching a weapon
    for life preservation sake, and perhaps a death hors' de hourves
    to make.

    Even the bravest dive, and their mothers still ask why!!!

    And, the anthem of the red, white, and blue comes after the missiles cremate you, and the mothers still ask why, why, why, did my brave, brave die.

    And, I do know what we do.
    For good we suppose ourselves to be.
    Let us pass here on this humanity option. And, form a coop complete. And, drop the evil one from his feat. Even the SH did die. And, his mother did not cry, and we will win another day, and you can always smile, and say, not another American soldier did die...



  • ...isleepwell...

    September 29, 2013

    I write this as an American tiring of the stupidity which occurs in Washington D.C. all too frequently. Currently, we face another fiscal controversy. The House of Representatives appears dominated by Republicans numerically. And, ObamaCare has gotten painted as the golden calf which must get slain.

    As a long time conservative, I strongly urge the Speaker of the House to avoid the gutting of ObamaCare. Let businesses close or shutter their doors, and let unemployment flourish if need be. But, don't for heavens sake go down in history as the Congress who doesn't care about the poor. For, ages hence, the party of Lincoln will get an extremely severe backlash from the voters if ObamaCare gets sacked.

    Instead, political log roll! Get a deal on taxes. Corporate tax rates should receive a radical reduction. Everyone with half a brain understands the legitimate reasons for doing so. Corporations don't pay taxes in the first place. It's the patrons of the corporations, or the customers who pay the tax via the purchases they make from said corporation. If company a sells a product at a buck, and gets taxed at 40 percent, then the price will be at least $1.40 for that product in lay man/womans' terms.

    I also weary of watching the looks on the face of the Speaker of the House. Although he represents many of the things in which I firmly believe, I don't care for his appearance on camera. It's clear he doesn't want to work with the other side of the aisle on most issues. Or, perhaps he merely acts like he doesn't for the effect of the camera.

    Republicans, I urge you to abandon the notion of doing away with ObamaCare. I understand the complications associated with the government establishing any new bureaucracy. But, don't shoot yourselves in the foot for future elections for generations to come.

    I see poverty every day in America. It sickens me. You, the Congress of these United States continually point fingers back, and forth at one another continually without genuine concern for those you represent. You accept money to do the bidding of the devil. And, don't get me wrong. In America, it's fine to earn an honest living, and prosper.

    Let the devil close their factories. Let the devil keep their campaign contributions. Roll the log on tax reform. And, represent "we the people." Restore a more perfect union, preserve justice, and tranquility while promoting equality for ALL. And, yes, that does include the poor in this great nation.


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